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Recycling and Garbage Pickup

Garbage and recycling collection on Monday mornings will begin at approximately 5:30 a.m. on recycling collection days, both garbage and recycling will be picked up at the same time. it is recommended to have your carts out on Sunday evening to avoid missing the early collection time.

Composting and Brush Rules
The Village of St. Cloud owns land for a compost pile and burn pile at the end of West Railroad Ave. Grass clippings, leaves, garden waste and other biodegradable items are to be placed on the compost pile in the concrete bin on the southwest corner of the lot.

Brush, twigs, and small branches should be put on the burn pile on the northwest corner of the lot. No branches or limbs larger than 3 inches in diameter are allowed. No pallets or lumber are allowed. Non-burnable items such as Christmas wreath wire, ashes, lava rock, metal and other junk are not to be brought to the center. If logs are brought to the lot they should be set off to the side for residents to pick-up.

Stones, gravel and clean dirt can be placed on the north end of the lot as long as space is available.